Cash & Secured Bail Bonds in Delaware | 1st Choice Bail Bonds

Flight Risk in Delaware: What You Need to Know

Flight Risk - More Information

We understand the anxiety you feel surrounding your loved ones’ arrest. It can be difficult to siphon through the information and rhetoric given to you. Among all the legal jargon you’re likely to hear about flight risk. What does it mean and how does it affect your loved one? How is flight risk assigned? Let’s explore what flight risk means exactly, and what it means for you and your loved ones after their arrest in Delaware.


What does flight risk mean?


Flight risk refers to a defendant’s liability to leave the state, county or the country. This is also known as “jumping bail” (or “skipping bail”). While out on bail this can have serious repercussions (learn more on the costs of jumping bail here).


Who determines a defendant’s flight risk?


The court and/or judge involved with the individual case. They will assess each case and review the defendant’s likelihood of fleeing. Depending on several factors the defendant can be assigned a low or high flight risk. A few things the court considers when determining the defendant’s flight risk would be the-

  • Nature of the offense
  • Authenticity/presence of evidence
  • Past appearances in court
  • Potential sentence length

When out on bail it’s advised that the defendant informs the court of any and all travel plans. Whether it’s in state travel, cross country or international. Even if the defendant is assigned a low flight risk. By being upfront with any travel arrangements the defendant can protect their character. As well as their reputation with the court.


Still have questions on flight risk? Whether the defendant has been assigned a high or low flight risk 1st Choice Bail Bonds is here to help! Don’t hesitate to call for immediate help with any questions you may have regarding flight risk. We are standing by to help you 24/7.

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Harry Clark has written 43 post in this blog.